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The Process:

Before we started the coaching engagement, we had the participants and their supervisors rate the participant on the identified competencies on a scale of 1-10.  We did a 360 review, identified the key competencies each person needed to focus on, provided 10 group coaching sessions and each participant received 7 hours of 1:1 coaching.  After the final group coaching, we asked the participants and their supervisors to rate the participants on the same competencies again.  The results are averaged by competency below:

Business Team Meeting

Stretching Boundaries

Initial Rating: 3.5

Final Rating: 7.375

Average Growth:


Promoting Bold Action

Initial Rating: 4

Final Rating: 8

Average Growth:


Taking Charge

Initial Rating: 4

Final Rating: 7.5

Average Growth:


Rallying People

Initial Rating: 4

Final Rating: 7

Average Growth:


Collaborating with Others

Initial Rating: 3

Final Rating: 6

Average Growth:


Speaking Up and Identifying Problems

Initial Rating: 4

Final Rating: 8

Average Growth:


Being Open to Input

Initial Rating: 5

Final Rating: 9

Average Growth:


Finding Opportunities

Initial Rating: 5.25

Final Rating: 9

Average Growth:


Communicating with Clarity

Initial Rating: 4.5

Final Rating: 9

Average Growth:


Showing Confidence

Initial Rating: 4

Final Rating: 7.5

Average Growth:


Building  Professional Networks

Initial Rating: 5

Final Rating: 9

Average Growth:


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